A celebration of colors

Colors have always been omnipresent and they amaze us with their variations and multiple effects. They are linked to life and nature, carry within them varied sensations, and determine our relationship with the world. The works of artists Angie Cornejo Llosa and Klaus Rune question us about the place of human beings in the world, about the relativity of time passing or about the perspectives of exploring space. All the mastery of the artists lies in giving rise to intense reflections around their minimalist canvases.
The brushstrokes focus on generous surfaces, which rule over the canvas. In the center of the artworks, circles emerge. The artists play with contrasts and textures, creating a tension between emptiness and density, vibrancy and clarity.
Exploring the entire chromatic palette of the rainbow, the artists have become masters in the art of creating contrasts around an omnipresent detail: the circle!
A circle can be a symbol of unity, of the cycle of life or even of perpetual movement. Both static and in movement, it shows two sides of the same coin in many ways. What you see is what you get: A circle is both homogeneous and perfectly finished. All the same, a circle encloses the invisible, the void and, buried deep within it, an invisible path through the abyss. The notion of time is also pivotal inside the circle, where time stops as we plunge into abstraction, as into a protective dream.
CHROMA is for those who live boldly and dream in color. The art works truly celebrate the hues that turn heads and start conversations.

Dimensions : 120 x 120 cm
Happiness is not the absence of suffering.
Happiness is unattainable if we believe that achieving it means living in an ideal world without imperfection. Happiness is not found in an ideal world, in the future or in the past. It is very close, when we come to live the present moment with mindfulness. In French, happiness is said “bonheur / bonne heure” meaning “the right hour”: it refers to “good times” and the ability to be right there to live them fully, through the opening of our senses and our heart that happiness enters into oneself.
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Hope is a pure and selfless confidence in the future.
Hope, on the other hand, is never extinguished. It lasts beyond difficult times, because it is a long term concept. It reflects a deep-rooted confidence. A confidence, which ultimately offers mindfulness.

Dimensions : 89 x 130 cm
Yellow time
No color is more joyful than yellow. Color of the sun, celebration and joy, it brightens up the universe and makes it shine.
Just like the sun, yellow is the color of life and movement.
Dimensions : 120 x 120 cm
Gratitude is not about making you see life from the bright side, but about seeing the bright side of life. It simply allows you to change the way you look at it and therefore approach life in a happier way.

Dimensions : 90 x 90 cm
The fire of happiness
The intensity of the demands of today’s society fans the fires in our spirits. Our brain produces more than 60,000 thoughts per day. Our minds are constantly burning in space-time, and we find it difficult to live in the present moment.
Happiness does not lie in the accumulation of wealth, neither in the future nor in the past. Often the fire of lost souls offers us awareness: if we seize that moment and allow ourselves to live in the moment and ultimately achieve happiness!
Present time
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Gratitude is not about making you see life from the bright side, but about seeing the bright side of life. It simply allows you to change the way you look at it and therefore approach life in a happier way.

Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Grace is a balance of movements between mind and physics ! Without grace, beauty is just an artificial flower. Having faith in ourselves is, perhaps, a dynamic circle of grace. A mental grace in the service of beauty! In the end, the art of harmony graces the spirit with beauty !
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Generosity prompts us to take care of ourselves, while putting others first is actually selfish! Yes, well-ordered charity begins with oneself and caring for others can be an act of self-indulgence when combined wiith the purpose of getting back.
Selfless love for others springs from true love for oneself. Love comes for the heart and your heart beats within you.

Dimensions : 120 x 80 cm
Time is both instant and endless. Endlessas it spans over millions of years. Yet tooshort because it runs so fast and we seemto never have enough of it. Time also runsboth slow and fast. Slow, for those whospend it expecting something to come.Fast, for those who enjoy every second of life.
Time is both endless and an unseizablefraction of a second. One person’s namecan resonate forever through posterity,while another can disappear forever indeath. Time can erase memories as muchas it can revive them.
Positive thoughts
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Many people believe in the power of positive thinking. Just as many believe that the whole world is an illusion, pretty much like Peter Pan. In truth, all of them are right in their own way: positive thinking is just another belief system.

Being lost in space
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow. I am
everywhere and nowhere.I am lost. My past
is running right behind me and the thought
of my future keeps me away from the here
and now.
So, where am I ? Life offers me
presence to the present, provided that I am
grounded in the here and now. This state
of awareness can change everything: bring
the beating of my heart in resonance with
that of the universe. And let me be the
change that I want to see in the world. In
the here and now, everything can happen !
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Time passes instantly and it is hard to savour. Oddly enough, we give more attention to our past and our future than to our present. We are used to look at where we are going rather than focus on where we are. We worry about tomorrow while the now is often a gift that lives in the pictures we take as a souvenir.This is such a paradox as it makes so much more sense to live in the present tense !

The apple
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
The red apple makes love shine and illuminates joy and pleasure between human beings.
Between voluptuousness and beauty, the magic of the apple is said to be the triumph of original sin. The snake holds it in its mouth and reminds us that we live in a world of demons and magic.